
Showing posts from February, 2020

Goals of 2020

I have yet to write a post this year, and it's almost March! I think it would be a good time to put out my goals of this year, and with my birthday in a week, I figured this would be a good time to do it! Goals of 2020 (but in no means in order, and I will be ok if it doesn't happen this year. I am putting it out in the world so it CAN happen!) SAVE MONEY! travel to a place I have been (affordable). Write in this blog MORE. I need to get my experiences out there. GET HEALTHIER THROUGH DIET. Join my journey as I hope to write and document it. Set up an Avon get together, and hopefully make that part successful. Sign up for Dog grooming seminars. GO BACK TO SCHOOL. Relearn an instrument.  Will this all happen this year? Maybe not, but one little baby step at a time, and I am sure I will get there!  xoxo, Hannah's Blog