Family (and Dogs) Matter

Yes, a family does matter! Family can be defined as literal blood relatives and family. It can be friends, significant others, and honestly, our pets can be our own family! Some of us are not as fortunate as others to have all of that. I feel extremely blessed, and will never deny the fact that I have the best wonderful influences, family members, and pets in the world (don't take offense, I am sure you think that of your family/ friends/ pets). I often get asked in one shape or form when my love of animals really took off, and if my family is just as obsessed as I am. I would say that there IS a love of animals in my family, I just knew from as long as I can remember that I would be working with them in one form or another. I don't know if anyone, in particular, had that obsession like I did. I was convinced that I'd be a zookeeper, a veterinarian, or a caretaker in some form. I am now a dog groomer. I consider every dog, cat, or any other animal I groom as l...