
My Beginning

This is my beginning to blog writing. I have very little experience in this - actually none at all - so bear with me!

My goal in writing for people is to share my personal experiences over the years as a dog groomer.  *Please note that these are my experiences, and that doesn't necessarily mean that my experience will be just like someone else's.*  I will also be writing about general life experiences in this crazy world of ours and my journey in it.

Just some facts about me:

  • I have been dog grooming on and off for 6 years.
  • I DO have a passion for the dogs.
  • I have more hobbies than dogs.
  • I do enjoy gardening.
  • I love hiking.
  • I sell AVON as another job:
Each post will be something different, random, personal, and overall a mix of so many things. So, hopefully, you can stay, follow, and continue to read up on my blog!


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Seeking Help as an Adult
