Seeking Help as an Adult

Growing up, getting the help I needed for my disability was readily available. I was always under the illusion that college would be great for people with disabilities, that people won't discriminate during the application or hiring process.

I quickly learned that that is not the case. At all. Once I turned 18, the real world hit me, and hit me hard. To get the help I needed in school/ college I had to jump through hoops, and go through confusing (for me) mazes just to receive minute help. It was extremely overwhelming, and a lot of work, and because of that, I did not complete college  I would love to go back, and have assistance on so many things. However, that's not usually the case for adults.

Another hard decision I have come to in my life is to either lie, or completely not say, is that I never say I have a disability. I have lost opportunities, jobs, and so much more because jobs, businesses, places of employment see the disability, and not me. Which means, I have been denied job after job because of that. As soon as I took that away, and didn't tell anyone in the application and interview process, doors opened, and people were more willing to hire someone they deemed "normal".

My one wish is that as an adult who is on the Autism spectrum, I'd love to see people who are high functioning like me get the help and opportunities we need. Why is it that when the age of 18 hits, it's a good luck in the system, you must be fine! No, just because we're considered high functioning does not mean we don't need help. I want discrimination to go away for people with disabilities, color, or anything to just get better. One can only wish.

Hannah's blog.


  1. I wish everyone would get to know you as well as I do. Then they could see how sweet you are, how hard you work, how dependable, and that you would be their best employee!!

  2. I absolutely agree Hannah!! WHY??? Why is there not more help once you enter the world on your own - there absolutely should be. You should be able to select a college or university and receive every ounce of help you need to succeed. I wonder if there is a way to start making this happen for all young adults on the spectrum as they leave the care of their guardians and enter into adulthood. You are helping shed a light on something that needs to be changed! Any employer is lucky to have you! I think I can count on 1 hand how many times you have ever called in sick to a job. You show up every single day, and you work hard.


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