How my Career Began

My Dog Grooming career that is!

I have been Dog grooming on and off for the last seven years. When I began my career in the Dog Grooming industry, it was during the recession, and it was THE most difficult time to find ANY job.
I was desperate for anything as far as jobs go.

So, what got me into grooming? I was volunteering at the San Diego Humane Society back in 2009 when the recession is in full force. I figured since I cannot find work, why not volunteer my time in any way I can. I was also going to school and babysitting as well, and applying to jobs left and right. I realized at this time that most people were getting jobs because they had connections. I had absolutely no connections, so volunteering was my best option at the time. I had heard several of the staff members and volunteers that they needed help bathing and grooming the pets there. (This included the cats and dog nails, baths, haircuts - whatever it could do to help). However, i had ZERO experience involving this, so a light bulb went off in my brain. My thought was, 'I could apply to dog grooming shops in the area, and see if I could get trained so I can help these dogs out!'

The VERY first shop I happened to walk into was this little place down the street from where I lived. I walk in, and ask if they are hiring for any position, and it just so happened the owner of the shop was the person I was talking to, and she says, "well, do you have experience??" I replied, "no, I was hoping to learn."  She says, "Oh, perfect, we are a school where we train you to bathe and groom dogs! If you want, I can go over the packets, and what we do here!" I honestly believe in that things happen at the right time at the right place. She gives me all the information I need, tells her I'll think about it, and go home.

I talk to my mom, then eventually take her in with me, I'm not sure how much time had past since I had talked to the owner, and go in to talk about applying. With the help of my parents, I applied right then and there and was told, "awesome, you can start as early as tomorrow! Would you like to?" Without hesitation, I said yes. I started as a bather and was convinced that was all I'd do. However, the instructors encouraged me to go on and become a groomer. I'm glad I did! I was a little slow to grasp all the information, but I'm glad I did become a groomer. To this day, I am always looking at improving my skills.

Although this is one tough job physically and mentally, I am so glad I chose to do this! It got me in the door as far as jobs go. I may not have done this all 7 years since I have started, but it's given me opportunities I could not have gotten anywhere else. Why? Because I finally had the connections I needed to succeed in life.

To end this post, I do firmly believe in volunteering for your local shelter in any way you can. Even if you cannot physically go to the shelter, there are always ways to volunteer.





Seeking Help as an Adult
