An Autistic Dog Groomer?!
Yep. That's right. I am an autistic dog groomer! I was diagnosed at a fairly young age, and was determined to become a veterinarian. I have loved, and will probably always love MOST animals. (I am terrified of most snakes, and most rodents. Don't know why...) I am not on the path to be a veterinarian anymore, but I have been grooming dogs for a while now, and wanted to share some perspective that I gained this past month that that made it kind of difficult for an aspie like me, and how I have realized that I NEED TO ASK FOR HELP. (us aspies are stubborn, am I right?)
Over the past few years, I have been in the "corporate" world of grooming salons, but I also have experience in the small shops as well. However, with how things work, I need to be in the "corporate" side, and let me tell you. It is HARD. It is far more customer service based on my end than it would be, say, at a small shop where you have receptionists. As someone who has such bad anxiety and depression, ocd, sensory processing issues, (the list could go on and on), and autism, it is emotionally and mentally exhausting. Especially this past month. I have gone, what you would call, selectively mute.
So, let's get to my point now. I have moved to another state, I have worked at four different stores in the past 2ish months or so, my apartment was falling apart, which was so unhealthy, (I've moved) and with so much going on, I have become so overwhelming..overwhelmed. It's like I forgot HOW to do any parts of my job, I cannot communicate as effectively, my anxiety shakiness is up, and my mind somehow cannot remember how to do simple tasks, either. My executive dysfunction is at an all time high right now.
Over the past few years, I have been in the "corporate" world of grooming salons, but I also have experience in the small shops as well. However, with how things work, I need to be in the "corporate" side, and let me tell you. It is HARD. It is far more customer service based on my end than it would be, say, at a small shop where you have receptionists. As someone who has such bad anxiety and depression, ocd, sensory processing issues, (the list could go on and on), and autism, it is emotionally and mentally exhausting. Especially this past month. I have gone, what you would call, selectively mute.
So, let's get to my point now. I have moved to another state, I have worked at four different stores in the past 2ish months or so, my apartment was falling apart, which was so unhealthy, (I've moved) and with so much going on, I have become so overwhelming..overwhelmed. It's like I forgot HOW to do any parts of my job, I cannot communicate as effectively, my anxiety shakiness is up, and my mind somehow cannot remember how to do simple tasks, either. My executive dysfunction is at an all time high right now.
- Executive dysfunction: A term that is widely used in autism circles to describe a broad array of skills that have to do with an individual's cognitive skills. It leads to difficulties managing time, completing tasks, and making what for many of us ("normal" people) would be simple tasks - like cleaning our rooms- very complicated or seemingly impossible. For some people with ASD, social and communication difficulties are not the primary issue. They are socially engaged and are doing their best to communicate frequently, but they are unable to respond in a timely and organized way to the requests of parents or teachers (in my case, customers with dogs), or to organize and initiate sophisticated play because they have considerable difficulty with executive disfunction. (
Sometimes, I can't process correctly what the owners of the dogs want and they have a hard time "reading" me. It has been incredibly difficult in the transition. Sensory overload. Different sounds, smells, different craziness. I have come off rude, when I really don't mean to, and I have come off as someone who thinks they do not care about their job as a dog groomer, which again, not true. I have become so used to a certain way of things, that I forget to ask for help. I forget that if I am struggling, I can ask for help. I'm so determined to have things a certain way, that I forget that things can be done successfully in a different way. Grooming is so versatile, and I have to remind myself that as an aspie, it doesn't necessarily mean that it can only go my way or no way. It's a daily reminder of, "what am I doing right now that I am not realizing because of my hyperfocus that can change".
I wasn't always good at that, but as I have gotten older, I have had to step back, realize that my bluntness comes off as rude to dog owners (opps! don't mean to be rude in any way!) Things could have been said, done, or handled a LOT better, but if I ask what can I do to change in the way to hopefully realize before doing or saying something possibly negative, I can improve. AND ASKING FOR HELP IS HUGE. I have had so much help in this industry, it's absolutely ridiculous. (along with my fair share of not helpful people).
I hope you guys got something out of this. I will try to think of more detailed stories and stuff later.
Hannah's Blog.
Wow. Just wow. You write beautifully of your struggles AND accomplishments. Your determination is amazing. Thanks for sharing.